Author Archives: Mike Mason
Predestined to Freedom: A Poetic Parable
Here’s my attempt to resolve, in a poetic parable, that old riddle of predestination versus free will. See what you think. (By the way, alia iacta est is Latin for “the die is cast”.)
Sadhu Sundar Singh: Indian Christian Mystic
I’ve been reading Sadhu Sundar Singh, the great Indian Christian mystic and evangelist. Here is a selection from his luminous devotional writings:
The Mystery of Marriage Interview, Part 2
Here is Part 2 of my recent Zoom interview with Cynthia Tolbert on my book The Mystery of Marriage.
The Mystery of Marriage: An Interview
Here is a link to Part I of a recent Zoom interview I did on my book The Mystery of Marriage. It turned out quite well, I think. Part II will follow later this month.
The Lover’s Hermitage: A Poem for Karen
On August 7 Karen and I celebrated our 39th anniversary. Those of you familiar with my book The Mystery of Marriage will know that when I first met my wife-to-be, I was seriously considering entering a monastery.
Famous Mike Mason Quotes
The tag line on the home page of my website reads “Purveyor of Fine Sentences.”
Frederick Buechner Turns 95: Happy Birthday, Fred!
One of my favorite writers, Frederick Buechner, turned 95 on July 11. If you don’t know his writing, you’re missing one of the great Christian minds, hearts, and pens of our time.
Urgent Warning: Do Not Read Until You’re Ready!!!
Reading the Song of Songs lately, I began to ponder why, in this short book, one verse is repeated three times.
The Reckless Raging Fury of the Song of Songs
I once counseled a young man whose problem was that he felt distant from God. We talked about many things in his life, and one of those things was sex.